
Two tiers, many tears

The world has gone mad. I just hope it only _seems_ like that and in reality it's perfectly sane. I wouldn't care but I have kids who have to grow up in this world.

Aston: New Turn

Whilst lurking on a Facebook page (I showered afterwards, it's okay) I came across this article. I was bored so I used chatGPT to convert it into HTML for me. Anyway, enjoy the full experience here

update: My Top 10 Desert Islands Albums

What about the Beatles!!!!?????

My Top 10 Desert Islands Albums

I often think of this...if I only had space for 10 CD Albums, what 10 would I pick? Well, I would say, if there's space for 10 CDs, then there's space for my mp3 player! But no, that would be against the rules :-)

So, without further ado, here's my top 10 list of of today (May 15/05/24).

1. The Hurting - Tears for Fears
2. The Hour of Bewilderbeat  - Badly Drawn Boy
3. Welcome To - The Beautiful South (dififcult choice...and then there's Heatons other work <sigh>)
4. Chumbawamba - Un (THAT was too hard to choose..too manye good albums)
5. Please - The Pet Shop Boys
6. Lincoln - They Might Be Giants (or Flood...oh or Appolo 18...that's a hard one)
7. Mmm Food - MFDoom
8. Skylarking - XTC (..oh god, no what about Apple Venus, Vol  or Nonsuch?...or Drums & Wires for some early stuff?...oh this harder than I thought)
9. If you're feeling sinister - Belle & Sebastian (that's a difficult choice too!)
10. Minecraft Volume Aplpha - C418 (maybe I can dream of playing MC on my desert island...but I will NEED to hear the music for as long as I live)

...well, I've run out of slots now and I'e barely scratched the surface - where's Spilt Milk by Jellyfish? Where's anything from  Radiohead, Depeche Mode, Neil Young? Aphex Twin!!! Max Trunda??  I can't live without all those amazing songs...I'm going to have to stop this, it's just getting far too stressful.