anothe try for fun!
I was always interested in seeing what the computer came up with some complicated algorithm. I first found this from messing with different combinations of sine-waves, either tracing out a point on the Speccy screen or moving a point around in what seemed like a random movement...but of course not random at all!
Anyway, I got the AI to make this 'race and chase' effort, the added food into the mix to make some vaguely interesting behavior. I have found once the program is large enough, the AI tends to stop printing the code out. I have found if you manually refactor the code, then feed that back in - you can be more specific about the functions. A lot of this has had some hand tweaking though. Good anyway: TRY SHITTY LIFE IT HERE
More stupid toys. This time a continuous tone, affected proportionally during collisions. Makes sound weird interesting noises...need to add sliders to change sizes...etc.
To Enjoy the pointlessness click here!
I used the amazing chatGPT to generate a map based on a conversation with a colleague.
Click HERE to witness it in all it's glory!