
Aston: New Turn

Whilst lurking on a Facebook page (I showered afterwards, it's okay) I came across this article. I was bored so I used chatGPT to convert it into HTML for me. Anyway, enjoy the full experience here

update: My Top 10 Desert Islands Albums

What about the Beatles!!!!?????

My Top 10 Desert Islands Albums

I often think of this...if I only had space for 10 CD Albums, what 10 would I pick? Well, I would say, if there's space for 10 CDs, then there's space for my mp3 player! But no, that would be against the rules :-)

So, without further ado, here's my top 10 list of of today (May 15/05/24).

1. The Hurting - Tears for Fears
2. The Hour of Bewilderbeat  - Badly Drawn Boy
3. Welcome To - The Beautiful South (dififcult choice...and then there's Heatons other work <sigh>)
4. Chumbawamba - Un (THAT was too hard to choose..too manye good albums)
5. Please - The Pet Shop Boys
6. Lincoln - They Might Be Giants (or Flood...oh or Appolo 18...that's a hard one)
7. Mmm Food - MFDoom
8. Skylarking - XTC (..oh god, no what about Apple Venus, Vol  or Nonsuch?...or Drums & Wires for some early stuff?...oh this harder than I thought)
9. If you're feeling sinister - Belle & Sebastian (that's a difficult choice too!)
10. Minecraft Volume Aplpha - C418 (maybe I can dream of playing MC on my desert island...but I will NEED to hear the music for as long as I live)

...well, I've run out of slots now and I'e barely scratched the surface - where's Spilt Milk by Jellyfish? Where's anything from  Radiohead, Depeche Mode, Neil Young? Aphex Twin!!! Max Trunda??  I can't live without all those amazing songs...I'm going to have to stop this, it's just getting far too stressful.

Web Apps > Apps

I am anti 'apps' and pro web-apps. Why? Security of course - it's insane to give a program full control of your system and it's completely unnneccesary when a web-app can do 90% of what most people need.

Ah, but at the same time I HATE web-apps! I want to run the program on _my_ computer not something in the 'cloud'.

Okay. It depends on the type of app. If the owner of the data or service wants to keep it to themselves (a bank, a game-streaming service) _and_ I really want that thing (banking services, GPU power beyong my own hardware) then we're cool. Otherwise, I want to process and hold data on my own hardware. But banking apps need the extra security of having it's tendrils deep into my they though? Just work with what the browser has...bitch.